Battery for electric car

A Battery-powered Future

Generations of our experts have worked on the car battery, paving the way for continuously improved versions. And now we've revolutionised it. The electric battery will help us to maximise the enjoyment in driving, reduce emissions, improve the way we consume energy, and create a better, more sustainable society.

Electrifying Technology

The revolutionary Nissan lithium-ion battery is compact, safe, powerful and durable, with a high recommendation rate from our electric customers. A highly innovative piece of technology, the battery pack is also 99% recyclable – at the end of its service it is dismantled and its components sorted before being given a second life, supporting energy management and sustainability. How impressive is that.

Electrifying Technology
Electric vehicle battery cost Saving
EV Battery-powered Future

Electric is Priceless

Driving electric is not just a way of driving. It's a way of life. Electric gives you complete control of your vehicle running costs, with no money spent on fuel, 20% fewer moving parts meaning a lower cost of maintenance, a lower breakdown risk, the ability to move freely around congested zones and to charge over night to reduce the electricity bill. Money saved, life improved.

Electric car cost saving
EV rapid Re-charge

The Rapid Re-charge

We designed the Nissan electric battery with you in mind. Not only is it reliable and economical, but it's also built for your convenience. For those times when you need to get up and go, the Nissan electric vehicles feature a Quick Charge Port alongside the standard charging port. Park up, plug in, and within 30 minutes the vehicle will reach 80% charge. You're all good to go.